Outbound BODs from M3 CE to integrated applications
This table shows the BODs that are available with M3 CE. Where To applications is empty, the BOD is generated by M3 CE, but is not currently used by interfacing products. The BOD is available to be processed through ION and any application that is set up to receive it.
Verb | Noun/variant | To applications |
Sync | AccountingEntity | Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le Infor M3 Supplier Rebate Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Authorizations Insight Infor Localization Services Platform |
Sync | AccountingChart | Infor Localization Services Platform |
Acknowledge | AdvanceShipNotice | Infor Nexus |
Process | AdvanceShipNotice | Infor WMS |
Process | BillOfMaterials | Infor PLM for Process |
Sync | BillOfMaterials | Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Acknowledge | BillToPartyMaster | Infor CRM |
Sync | BillToPartyMaster |
Infor CPQ Infor CRM Infor WMS Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | CarrierParty |
Infor CRM Infor WMS Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Acknowledge | CarrierRoute | Infor Nexus |
Sync | Catalog | Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | ChartOfAccounts | Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Localization Services Platform |
Sync | CodeDefinition for AP Payment Methods |
Infor M3 Supplier Rebate |
Sync | CodeDefinition for AR Payment Methods | Infor CPQ
Infor CRM Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Acknowledge | CodeDefinition for Business Sectors | Infor PLM for Fashion |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Cost Centers |
Infor EAM Infor Expense Management |
Acknowledge | CodeDefinition for Customs Statistics Number | Infor PLM for Fashion |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Delivery Terms |
Infor CPQ Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Acknowledge | CodeDefinition for Feature Options | Infor PLM for Fashion |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Feature Options |
Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | CodeDefinition for FreightTerms |
Infor EAM |
Sync | CodeDefinition for General Code | Infor PLM for Fashion Infor Rhythm for Commerce Infor Supplier Exchange |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Harbor & Airports |
Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Item Free Field 1 | Infor PLM for Fashion |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Item Free Field 3 | Infor PLM for Fashion |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Item Free Field 4 | Infor PLM for Fashion |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Item Free Field 5 | Infor PLM for Fashion |
Acknowledge | CodeDefinition for Item Groups | Infor PLM for Fashion |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Item Types |
Infor Rhythm for Commerce Infor PLM for Fashion |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Payment Terms |
Infor CPQ Infor CRM Infor Supplier Exchange Infor M3 Supplier Rebate Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Acknowledge | CodeDefinition for Product Groups | Infor PLM for Fashion |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Product Structure Classes | Infor PLM for Process |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Routes |
Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Stock Locations |
Infor EAM |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Transportation Methods |
Infor CPQ Infor CRM Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | CodeDefinition for Unit Codes |
Infor EAM Infor Rhythm for Commerce Infor Supplier Exchange Infor M3 Supplier Rebate |
Acknowledge | CodeDefinition for Unit Codes | Infor PLM for Fashion |
Acknowledge | ContactMaster | Infor CRM |
Sync | ContactMaster | Infor CRM |
Sync | Contract for CO Blanket Agreement |
Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | CreditTransfer | Infor Localization Services GEMS |
Sync | CurrencyExchangeRateMaster |
Infor CPQ Infor EAM Infor Expense Management Infor M3 Supplier Rebate |
Sync | CustomerPartyMaster |
Infor CPQ Infor CRM Infor PLM for Process Infor WMS Infor Rhythm for Commerce Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Localization Services Platform |
Sync | CustomerReturn | Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight |
Sync | DebitTransfer | Infor Localization Services GEMS |
Sync | FinancialCalendar |
Infor Localization Services Platform Infor M3 Supplier Rebate |
Acknowledge | FinancialPartyMaster |
Infor Supplier Exchange |
Sync | FinancialPartyMaster |
Infor Supplier Exchange |
Sync | InspectDelivery |
Infor EAM |
Sync | Invoice for Customer Order Invoicing |
Infor CRM Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Localization Services Platform Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync |
Invoice for Fixed Asset Invoicing Invoice for Leasing Agreement Invoicing Invoice for Maintenance Order Invoicing Invoice for Manual Invoicing Invoice for Project Invoicing Invoice for Rental Agreement Invoicing |
Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Localization Services Platform |
Acknowledge | InventoryAdjustment | Infor EAM |
Sync | InventoryCount | Infor EAM |
Acknowledge | ItemMaster |
Infor PLM for Fashion Infor PLM for Process Infor WMS |
Sync | ItemMaster | Infor CPQ Infor CRM Infor EAM Infor Nexus Infor PLM for Fashion Infor PLM for ProcessInfor WMS Infor Supplier Exchange Infor M3 Supplier Rebate Infor Rhythm for Commerce Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Localization Services Platform |
Sync | LCLTaxReportSupplierTax |
Infor Localization Services GEMS |
Sync | LCLTaxReportVATPeriodic |
Infor Localization Services Platform |
Sync | LCLTradeStatisticsEUSalesPurchase | Infor Localization Services GEMS |
Sync | LCLTradeStatisticsIntrastatExtrastat | Infor Localization Services GEMS |
Sync | Location for Warehouse |
Infor CRM Infor M3 Supplier Rebate Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | PayFromPartyMaster |
Infor CRM |
Sync | PayableTransaction |
Infor M3 Supplier Rebate Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Localization Services Platform |
Sync | Person |
Infor CRM Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Authorizations Insight |
Sync | ProjectMaster | Infor Expense Management |
Sync | Promotion |
Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Acknowledge | PurchaseOrder | Infor Nexus Infor Supplier Exchange |
Sync | PurchaseOrder | Infor EAM Infor WMS Infor NexusInfor Supplier Exchange Infor M3 Supplier Rebate Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight |
Acknowledge | QualitySpecification | Infor PLM for Process |
Acknowledge | Quote |
Infor CRM Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | Quote |
Infor CRM Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | ReceivableTransaction |
Infor CRM Infor Rhythm for Commerce Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Localization Services Platform |
Acknowledge | ReceiveDelivery |
Infor EAM |
Sync | ReceiveDelivery |
Infor EAM Infor Nexus Infor Supplier Exchange Infor M3 Supplier Rebate Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight |
Acknowledge | RemitToPartyMaster | Infor Supplier Exchange |
Sync | RemitToPartyMaster | Infor Supplier Exchange |
Sync | RemittanceAdvice | Infor Expense Management |
Acknowledge | Requisition | Infor EAM |
Sync | Requisition | Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight |
Acknowledge | SalesOrder |
Infor CPQ Infor CRM Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | SalesOrder | Infor CRM Infor Rhythm for Commerce Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight |
Sync | SecurityPermissionMaster | Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Authorizations Insight |
Sync | SecurityRoleMaster | Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Authorizations Insight |
Sync | ShipFromPartyMaster |
Infor WMS |
Process | Shipment Note: One BOD can contain multiple Deliveries, triggered
for changes in (DRS100) for Transportation Management.
Infor WMS |
Sync | Shipment Note: One BOD can contain multiple Deliveries, triggered for changes in
(DRS100) for Transportation Management.
Infor Localization Services Platform |
Sync | Shipment for Delivery Note: One BOD can contain one Delivery
Infor CRM Infor Rhythm for Commerce Infor Localization Services Platform |
Acknowledge | ShipToPartyMaster |
Infor CRM |
Sync | ShipToPartyMaster |
Infor CPQ Infor CRM Infor WMS Infor Rhythm for Commerce |
Sync | SourceSystemGLMovement for Actual |
Infor Localization Services Platform |
Sync | SourceSystemJournalEntry | Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Localization Services Platform |
Acknowledge | SupplierInvoice | Infor Nexus Infor M3 Supplier Rebate |
Sync | SupplierInvoice |
Infor Document Capture - Supplier Invoices Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Localization Services Platform |
Acknowledge | SupplierPartyMaster | Infor Supplier Exchange |
Sync | SupplierPartyMaster |
Infor EAM Infor PLM for Fashion Infor PLM for Process Infor WMS Infor M3 Supplier Rebate Infor Supplier Exchange Infor Governance, Risk and Compliance - Process Insight Infor Localization Services Platform |