Exporting a division

You can export a division with or without a template.

Note: Division copy should only be done within the same environment.
  1. On the Business Engine Data Management page, click the Export tab.
  2. Select the component to export data from.
  3. Select the tables to export.
    Note: Select tables only when exporting data without a template. Skip this step if you intend to use a template for the export.
  4. You can select from these options for division export:
    1. To export data without using a template, click Export and specify this information:

      Specify a company to export a division for.

      Filter on Division

      Select the check box.


      Specify the division to export. Only the selected tables where company=<the specified value> with division=<the specified value> and division=BLANK(empty) are exported.

      File name

      Specify a file name. The file name specified here gets a time stamp prefix when created. The time stamp prefix and file name are included in the zip file or the dct and dctmeta files containing the exported data. Valid characters are lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).

      Save as template

      Specify a template name to save this run as a template to be used in future runs. Valid characters are lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).

    2. To export data using a template, click Export with template and specify this information:
      Select the template to use during export.

      Optionally, specify a company to export a division for. This field is automatically populated based on the template you selected.

      Filter on Division

      Select the check box.


      Specify the division to export. Only the selected tables where company=<the specified value> with division=<the specified value> and division=BLANK(empty) are exported.

      File name

      Specify a file name. The file name specified here gets a time stamp prefix when created. The time stamp prefix and file name are included in the zip file or the dct and dctmeta files containing the exported data. Valid characters are lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).

  5. Click Export. A BE Data Management Export job is submitted.
  6. Click Job Overview to go to the Job Overview tab. See Viewing and managing M3 Business Engine data management jobs. When the job is finished, the data is ready for import.

    The result of an export operation is, depending of the amount of data, a .zip file or a collection of files ending with .dct and .dctmeta. One or several files is always created regardless if it contains any data or not. All selected tables, even those that are empty, are included in the export result.