Configuring future profiling

The role M3BE-FndAdmin is required for configuring future profiling for jobs for other users. Users with the role M3BE-FndUser can view their own jobs but require the role M3BE-LogEnabler to configure future profiling.

You can set up future profiling to automatically start profiling on new jobs that are started. Any future profiler configured is active for at most 60 minutes before it is automatically removed.

  1. Click Administration Tools > Business Engine Jobs.
  2. To configure future profilers, select Profiling > Configure future profiling.
  3. Right-click or mark a future profiler and select Remove to remove it.
  4. Select Add to create or update an existing future profiling configuration.
    1. Specify the owner of the job.
      Note: This field is only editable if the user has the role M3BE-FndAdmin.
    2. Specify the name of the job.
    3. Specify how many jobs profiling should be activated. Maximum is 5.
    4. Click Save to save the future profiler configuration or Close to discard changes.