Synchronizing with ION Data Flow

Note: If you stream data directly to Data Fabric, ION is not used and this task should not be performed.

To make the ION Data Flow aware of recent changes in selections in Data Lake Publisher, you must update the Data Flow to handle all documents.

First you must refresh the connection point to make it aware of recent changes in Data Lake Publisher, then you must add the new table publications as new documents in the Data Lake Flow.

  1. Refresh the connection point:
    1. For Infor OS Portal, select OS > ION > Connect > Connection Points > m3_eventhub.
      For Infor Ming.le, select ION Desk > Connect > Connection Points > m3_eventhub.
    2. Click Discover.
      The document list is updated from Data Lake Publisher with any missing selected table.
    3. Click Save.
  2. Update the Data Lake Flow:
    1. For Infor OS Portal, select OS > ION > Connect > Data Flows.
      For Infor Ming.le, select ION Desk > Connect > Data flows.
    2. Select the data flow you use. For example, select M3_EventHub-Data_Lake-Integration if you use the standard Data Flow for Data Lake integration.
    3. Click the document icon next to the M3/Event Hub connection point.
    4. Click the Add icon.
    5. Select the new documents from the list and click OK.
    6. Click Save.
    7. Click Reactivate.