Display of Salesperson, Responsible, and Account owner
Ensure to update the Account dialog for Desktop and Phone in order to add the Salesperson, Responsible, and Account owner fields.
See how to update a dialog in Updating a dialog.
For the Account owner field, you must configure additional settings. Add the Account owner as a sub-table first before the Owner field is added to the dialog design.
By default, Skip for update is selected when mapping the salesperson and responsible on OCUSMA integration metadata.
- The user wants to populate the salesperson and responsible for new and existing accounts through initial load.
- The user wants to update the existing accounts with M3 changes.
Create M3 customer from M3 CLM
If the Salesperson and Responsible fields in M3 CLM are left blank, the Salesperson and Responsible of the customer template are used.
Update M3 Customer from M3 CLM
If the Responsible field in M3 CLM is updated to blank, the Responsible value in M3 is also kept as blank. The account status is also updated to 12 (Incorrect Values).