Setting the user-defined data for a dialog column

Follow these guidelines when defining user-defined data

  • Use the 1,012 characters when defining a parameter.
  • The parameter string must be in JSON format.
  • Remember that commas and quotes are used for parsing parameters.
  • The entire parameter must start and end with curly brackets.
Note: Setting the default values using triggers is only applicable for combo boxes.
  1. Select System Configuration > Dialog design.
  2. Select a dialog and proceed to the Dialog layout tab.
  3. Right-click and select Properties > Set User Defined Data.
  4. Specify the column value parameters. This parameter defines the maximum number of characters that are specified in the column defined as single line or multi-line text box.



    ColumnValue is the column name under CRMUser Table.

    Here is an example default value in Account Entity using CountryCode:

    CLM@SetValue= {"ColumnValue":"CRMUser.CountryCODE"}

  5. Click OK. Set the parameters on each control, if needed.
    Note: Not all column controls support the use of parameters in the user-defined data. Each column control type can support multiple sets of parameters, but only one set is defined.