Outgoing event notification viewer in M3 Mobility Core Tenant Toolbox


M3 Mobility Core Tenant Toolbox now has a notification mail log list. You can find this feature in System Configuration > Outgoing event notification.

The Notification mail logs list displays the notification transactions with these information:
  • Transaction Date: Transaction date and time in UTC
  • Data Entity: Entity the notification was generated from (Account, Activity or Opportunity)
  • Operation: Transaction or Event type (U-Update or D-Delete)
  • Retry: Number of attempts to deliver the email notification
  • Status: Current status of the transaction (Sent, Pending, Failed)
  • Receiver: First Name and Last Name of the M3 CLM recipient
  • Error Message: Issue summary when email sending fails

You can click Show error message to view the complete logs for failed transactions.

The Number of days before deleting the logs field allows the system administrator to set how long the logs are available for viewing. The default value is set to 7 days but you can still configure it accordingly.

KB article 2208799