General enhancements and corrections


This release contains general product enhancements and issue corrections.

These are the Infor Support Portal issues that were addressed:​
  • 15209561: AccountGeneralObject cannot be added to dialog design
  • 15458044: Arithmetic overflow error
  • 15363645: CLM - Trigger settings are not copied into a new dialog design
  • 15573534: CLM - change of NAICS on address wrong recorded in account history
  • 15144980: CLM - document handling . Cannot open 2 excel documents at the same time (opportunity)
  • 15235435: CLM Camp management - interest codes as target group selection
  • 15329130: Cannot see org unit in Mobility Core Toolbox
  • 15298002: Cannot select interest code under Campaign management module
  • 15188396: Checklists not provided within Accounts, Activities or Opportunities

  • 15538810: Create Equipment quote from CLM
  • 15529108: Drive is getting full with huge data in few hours.
  • 15143390: Error creating sales budget in CLM
  • 15297810: Error in accessing account from Homepage
  • 15102555: Error message: Functions are not defined
  • 15035782: Kill the idle connection from mobility core to SQL
  • 14938176: Log out error in CLM
  • 15041094: Mobile app - Show on map not working correctly
  • 15181853: Mobile app - deletion of account addresses
  • 14597867: Not possible to search for Accounts when adding Activity from Calendar
  • 14952157: Open button under CLM objects is not active
  • 14589590: Issue process steps not correctly activated
  • 15235471: Selection tool - contact interest code issue
  • 14842373: The selection wizard display wrong activity dates in the result
  • 15267063: Too long address on Address Line 2 in M3 and M3 CLM
  • 15021383: Users alias exist twice in Import users from M3 company
KB article 2184379