Defining a setter

  1. In the Setter section, click New.
  2. Specify this information:
    This field defines if the condition will be applied against a group, a section or a column.
    • group: Lists all active groups on Group/Section/Column.
    • section: Lists all sections on Group/Section/Column.
    • column: Lists all columns on Group/Section/Column.
    Note: Select the browse filters as Type columns and set to display or not display in the screen.

    Select from the list of table columns available for this dialog. The values listed in this field depends on the option you selected in the Type field.

    True action
    Select an action from this list:
    • hide: Select hide to hide the selected field or column, group, or section. This option is only available through mobile.
    • show: Select show to display the selected field or column, group, or section. This option is only available through mobile.
    • setvalue: Select setvalue to set the value of the selected field depending on the column and column name under Type and Column. This option is available for both M3 CLM Web and mobile.
    • clearvalue: Select clearvalue to set the selected field empty. This option is available for both M3 CLM Web and mobile.
    • disable: Select disable to disable the selected field. This option is available for both M3 CLM Web and mobile.
    • enable: Select enable to enable the selected field. This option is available for both M3 CLM Web and mobile.
    • makemandatory: Select makemandatory to set the selected field as required. This option is only available through mobile.
    • removemandatory: Select removemandatory to remove the required status of the selected field. This option is only available through mobile.
    • none: Select none so that no action is done on the column and column name under Type and Column.
    False action

    Select an action from the same list mentioned on True action.


    This field displays the available codes encoded in the column that was selected in the Group/Section/Column field.

  3. To save the changes, click Yes to confirm the action.