Defining conditions

  1. In the Condition section, click New.
  2. Specify this information:

    Select a column. The list of available columns contains tables and sub-table columns used in the dialog.

    Select from the list of operators. These options only indicate that conditions are defined against numeric columns that are evaluated. Alphanumeric column conditions are also recognized if the value is blank or not.
    Select from these operators::
    • equal: Select this option if the selected column is equal to the data value.
    • notequal: Select this option if the selected column is not equal to the data value.
    • greaterthan: Select this option if the selected column is greater than the data value.
    • lessthan: Select this option if the selected column is less than the data value.
    • greaterthanorequal: Select this option if the selected column is greater than or equal to the data value.
    • lessthanorequal: Select this option if the selected column is less than or equal to the data value.
    • isnull: Select this option to indicate that the selected column is null or does not have any value.
    • isnotnull: Select this option to indicate that the selected column is not null or does have any value.
  3. To save the changes, click Dialog tab and click Yes to confirm the action.