Checking document availability

The document identifier is represented by a blue indicator that is displayed on the rightmost section of an entity record to indicate that a document is available.

  1. Select an entity list from the Navigation menu.
  2. Select an entity record from the entity filter list that you own or shared to you.
  3. Swipe to the left to view the details about the selected entity. The document identifier shows the number of attachments for the entity record.
    Note: For Windows phone, tap the blue indicator to view the details of the selected entity.
  4. Tap the document identifier to open the Document list.
    You can perform any of these tasks in the file attachment:
    • Download: Save the attachment to your mobile.
    • Delete: Remove the attachment from the entity record.
    • Cancel: Go back to the previous screen.
    • Add: Add a new file to the entity record.