Configuring Office 365 General settings

  1. Select System configuration > Outlook integration.
  2. Select General settings tab.
  3. Select Enable calendar integration.
  4. Optionally, select Include Account name in subject to display the M3 CLM account name in MS-Outlook calendar entries.
  5. From the Integration type list, select Office365. The default value in Integration type list is None.
  6. In the Office 365 section, specify this information:
    Note: For the IDs you need to specify in these fields, contact your Azure administrator.
    Mobile Client ID
    Specify the Mobile Client ID.
    Web Client ID
    Specify the Web Client ID.
    Tenant ID
    Specify the Tenant ID from the web application.
  7. Optionally, in the Inbound mail section, set the default notebook where MS-Outlook emails and calendar entries are mapped.
  8. Click Save.