Adding M3 CLM

You must log in with a MingleAdministrator security role to access the Admin Settings.
  1. In Infor Ming.le, add a new application.
  2. Specify this information:
    Application Type
    Specify Infor Application.
    Application Name
    Select the application name and version from the list, for example, Infor M3 CLM - <version>.
    Logical ID

    Specify 1 for the value of M3 Customer Lifecycle Management instance. The first part of the logical ID is set automatically based on the application name.

    Application Icon
    Click Choose Icon. Each application has a default icon. You can only select the color that you want to apply in the icon.
    Use Https
    Select this option. Ensure that you specify the HTTP port in the Port field.
    Host Name
    Specify the fully qualified URL of M3 CLM Web UI.
    Port #
    Specify the SAML Router Port used by the M3 CLM Web UI.

    If any context is defined in the Infor Registry, it is shown as the default context when you select the Application Name.

    Default Tenant
    Leave this field blank.
  3. Click Save.