Import of MCO quotes from M3 BE to M3 CLM


The user can import Maintenance Customer Orders (MCO) quotes from M3 BE to M3 CLM, and cascade MCO quotes from M3 BE to M3 CLM using standard integration.

Using the M3 Mobility Core Toolbox, you can define the settings for MCO quote import and standard integration. The Import quotes from dates defines the date when MCO quotes are imported. This setting limits the number of past-time MCO quotes. If this setting is not set, all MCO quotes are imported to M3 CLM.

See how to configure MCO quotation settings in Infor M3 Customer Lifecycle Management Administration Guide.

On the main activity, set ActivityTypeCODE as the default ActivityType. This defines the activity of creating a quote. Once the quote is created, the status is set to Done.

When creating quotes in M3 BE from M3 CLM, use the default Follow-up activity code fields. There are no Follow-up activities created for quotes imported from initial load, even if the quotes in M3 BE have Follow-up activities.

Initial load settings

Using M3 Mobility Core Toolbox, you can select these tables to include for initial load.
  • ACUOQH - TF: Maintenance CO Quotation Head
  • ACUORH - TF: MCO header
  • ACUORL - TF: MCO line
  • ACUOLS - TF: Order line summary

Standard integration

Any new MCO quotes created in M3 are transferred to M3 CLM.

The Maintenance Customer Order is created way ahead before the quote is created. An MCO is identified as a quote when a record for the MCO is created in ACUOQH table. When the record is created, MCOQuoteHeader and MCOQuoteLine records are created. You can only enter the key fields and more information is retrieved using EQINFOMI.GetMaintCO and EQINFOMI.GetMaintCOLine.

If the quote is updated in COS115, Delete-event and Create-event are generated. The Delete-event is ignored, and the Create-event is treated as an Update-event.

These are the other prerequisites when transferring MCO quotes to M3 CLM:
  • Customer in M3 BE account must exist in M3 CLM
  • Facility in M3 BE must exist in M3 CLM
  • Item in M3 BE must exist in M3 CLM
  • Owner of Customer in M3 BE defined in M3 CLM
Net Change ID 11331