Building search criteria
To limit the number of search results, you can use operators to set combined search values or combine the search with excluded values. Use the search box to build a search criteria. The search criteria must be preceded by an exclamation point (!).
Use these operators for comparison or selection of values:
- AND: This operator matches the documents where both keywords exist in the document.
- OR: This is the default conjunction operator. You can use the OR operator if there is no operator between two keywords.
- NOT: This operator excludes documents which contain the keyword specified after NOT.
- ++: This is also called the required operator because this operator requires that the keyword specified after the double quotes ("") exists in the document.
- --: This is also called the prohibit operator because it excludes documents that contain the keyword specified after the double quotes ("").
You can build search criteria faster by using the plus (+) sign to set the required content or the minus (-) sign to exclude. You can also use wild cards such as a question mark (?) for a single character and asterisk (*) for two or more characters.
You can also use range queries for dates, numeric, or string fields. Inclusive ranges are specified with square brackets [min to max] and exclusive ranges with curly brackets {min to max}.
The accepted format for Date search is <yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss> (e.g. 20191201T000000) and for Date Range is ! <criteria>:[yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss TO yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss] (e.g. ! ratingDate:[20191201T000000 TO 20191231T000000]).