Dashboard-specific sections

These are the sections specific to every dashboard:

Section title Description References
My Activities My Activities provides the list of activities that the sales representative or sales manager has created.
My Opportunities My Opportunities provides s a list of opportunities that the sales representative or sales manager has created.
Overview Overview provides sales charts with its current data. Tables that represents the graphs are displayed in these sections as default values:
  • Activity summary: Provides the summary of activities executed to the customer.
  • Pipeline by opportunity type by account: Provides the opportunities related to the growth of business that takes expenses and revenues into account.
Contacts When you access an existing contact, details on the Contact Information tab are displayed. You can perform these activities on this tab:
  • update existing values
  • add communication details
  • add an address to a contact
Sales The Sales tab provides a list of sales orders in M3 Equipment in a table format. When you open an existing sales order, you can view these information:
  • customer information
  • order details and dates
  • payment conditions
  • delivery information
  • reference
  • pricing conditions
  • currency
Finance The Finance tab provides the list of open invoices or information that shows the amount payable and the due date of the payments for a certain product.
Customer Equipment The Customer Equipment tab only appears if M3 CLM for Equipment is installed.

Use Customer Equipment tab to perform these tasks:

  • View a summary of all available equipment associated to activities.
  • Directly search for an equipment. You can narrow search through the use of filter options. When searching for an item, you can use fields that serve as unique tracking features as identification. You can access general descriptive tabs, such as meter reading, warranty, maintenance agreements, attributes, and Equipment Address.
  • View transaction-related activities like Transaction information, Spare Parts Sales, and Maintenance Order.
  • Group transaction-related activities in closed or open categories.
  • View Service History of an equipment where all actions made per item or equipment are provided.