Report to tax authorities on behalf of supplier

A new alternative has been introduced for 'Invoice Category' in 'FAM Function. Open Details' (CRS406) called 'Supplier Invoice'. When selecting this alternative and using 'Customer Invoice. Enter Manual' (ARS120) three new fields 'Supplier', 'Supplier invoice number' and 'Supplier invoice year' are displayed on (ARS120/E). This enables the use of a self-invoice where the user adds a reference to a supplier invoice on (ARS120/E) which will be added as a document reference in the XML of the 'Customer Invoice BOD'.

A new related option 19='Update supplier invoice' has been introduced in 'Customer Invoice. Display Manual' (ARS122) for invoices recorded through an FAM function defined on AR20 with parameter 'Invoice Category' set to 9-'Supplier Invoice' on 'FAM Function. Open Details' (CRS406/F). This related option enables the update of the supplier invoice information linked to the customer invoice.

Version KB Article Number Delivery Unit
15.1.4 MCP21 KB2221754 IT
15.1.4 MCP23 KB2173259