Sales Teams Performance reports

The measures used in Sales Teams Performance reports are sourced from Accounts, Opportunity, and Activity facts.

Measure used in Active Accounts by Current Status is analyzed by Create Date and use the Count aggregation. Activity measures are analyzed by Start Date and use the Sum aggregation. Opportunity measures are analyzed by End Date and use the Sum aggregation.

Active Accounts by Current Status

Description: This report shows the current number of active accounts in status 10-Preliminary, 20-Definite, and 90-Blocked/expired.

Measure: No. of Accounts

Chart type: 1 data series donut chart

Opportunities Won by Period

Description: This report shows the total number of opportunities won over a selected period. The measure is filtered by Done = Yes and the Opportunity Status is included in the Won Opportunities variable.

Measure: No. of Opportunities, Total Price – Company

Chart type: 2 data series combo, 1 column chart on Y axis 1 and 1 line chart on Y axis 2

Opportunities vs Activities

Description: This report shows the total number of opportunities and the total number of activities over a selected period. Using this report, you can compare how the movement of opportunities also affects the number of activities.

Measure: No. of Opportunities, No. of Activities

Chart type: 2 data series grouped column chart

Open Pipeline By Sales Team

Description: This report shows the ranking of the sales teams based on the total price value of the available opportunities. This report is filtered by Total Price Currency, which displays the converted measure value based on the selected currency.

Note: The exchange rate conversion is calculated based on the latest rate of the selected currency. See KB2311603.

Measure: Total Price – Display Currency

Chart type: 1 data series bar chart

Win Rate

Description: This report shows the trend of win rate per month.

Measure: Win Rate

Chart type: 1 data series line chart

Avg Activity and Duration Analysis

Description: This report shows the average number of activities per opportunity and the average number of hours it takes to perform an activity per opportunity.

Measure: Avg No. of Activities per Opportunity, Avg Activity Duration Hrs per Opportunity

Chart type: 2 data series grouped column chart