WO Operation Transactions sourced measures and KPIs
This table shows the WO Operation Transactions measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse.
You can use different time series to analyze these measures. For the list of available time series measures, see Time.
Aggregations available are Avg, Max, Min, and Sum. For cases where this does not apply, the available aggregations are indicated in this table:
Measure | Description |
Rptd Travel Hrs | The number of travel hours reported in used labor setup time |
Billable Travel Hrs | The travel hours of work orders from maintenance customer orders |
Non-Billable Travel Hrs | The travel hours reported for work orders not coming from maintenance customer orders |
Rptd Labor Hrs | The number of labor hours reported in used labor run time |
Billable Labor Hrs | The labor hours of work orders from maintenance customer orders |
Non-Billable Labor Hrs | The labor hours reported for work orders not coming from maintenance customer orders |
Total Rptd Hrs | The sum of travel hours and labor hours reported by the technician |
Total Billable Hrs | The sum of billable travel hours and labor hours |
Total Non-Billable Hrs | The sum of non-billable travel hours and labor hours |
Stop Hrs | The machine run hours reported with a disturbance regarding a stop in production |
Disturb Hrs | The actual travel and labor hours that are reported with disturbances |
Maint Hrs | The machine run hours reported for maintenance |
Total Rptd and Stop Hrs | The sum of reported travel, labor, and stop hours |
No. of Rptd Operations | The number of operations reported for a work order Aggregation: Count Distinct |
No. of Rptd Orders | The number of reported work orders Aggregation: Count Distinct |
No. of Labor Trans | The number of operation reports with labor run time |
No. of Travel Trans | The number of operation reports with travel time |
No. of Stop Rpts | The number of operation reports with disturbances, such as interruptions |
No. of Disturb Rpts | The number of operation reports with disturbance time |
No. of Maint Rpts | The number of operation reports with maintenance hours |
No. of Records | The number of work order operation transactions |