Contact Maintenance dashboard
The Contact Maintenance dashboard is used to view the records that are tagged as having incomplete contact details in CLM. The dashboard enables the user to determine any action to take to ensure that contact records are updated and the correct contacts are maintained for all accounts.
A contact record is considered complete when these fields are filled:
- Full Name
- Position
- Cellphone or phone number
These fields are verified by using a saved expression inside the reports and KPIs.
A contact is considered to have no engagement when a contact is not assigned to any activity or opportunity.
This dashboard can answer these questions:
- What are the field/s that causes a record to be tagged as having incomplete details?
- How many months since a contact was last updated?
- How many months since a contact was involved in an opportunity or activity?
- What are the activities and opportunities attached to the contacts?
Reports and KPIs
The dashboard contains these reports:
- List of Activities with Incomplete Contact Details
- List of Contacts with Incomplete Contact Details
- List of Opportunities with Incomplete Contact Details
This dashboard also contains this KPIs:
- No. of Contacts
- No. of Inactive Contacts
- No Position Code
- Contacts Without Engagements
Values displayed in KPIs show the number of contacts.
These KPIs use the Sum aggregation.
These KPIs use Create Date as date basis for analysis.
These required filters are available:
- Account Name
- Account Group
- Last Updated
- Last Engagement