Sales Teams Operations reports
The measures used in the Sales Teams Operations reports are sourced from Opportunity and Activity facts. Activity measures are analyzed by Start Date. Opportunity measures are analyzed by End Date. These measures use the Sum aggregation.
Attributes used in the Opportunity Overview and Activity overview reports are sourced from the CRM User dimension.
Opportunities Won by Period
Description: This report shows the total number of opportunities won over a selected period. The measure is filtered by Done = Yes and the Opportunity Status is included in the Won Opportunities variable.
Measure: No. of Opportunities, Total Price – Company
Chart type: 2 data series combo, 1 column chart on Y axis 1 and 1 line chart on Y axis 2
Sales Funnel
Description: This report shows the total price value of opportunities by opportunity process name. The measure is filtered by Done = No.
Measure: Total Price – Company
Chart type: 1 data series height funnel chart
Overdue Opportunities
Description: This report shows the number of open and overdue opportunities.
Measure: No. of Opportunities
Chart type: 1 data series donut chart
Overdue Activities
Description: This report shows the number of open and overdue activities.
Measure: No. of Activities
Chart type: 1 data series donut chart
Win Rate
Description: This report shows the trend of win rate per month.
Measure: Win Rate
Chart type: 1 data series line chart
Opportunity Overview
Description: This report shows the summary of opportunities for each sales representative.
Measure: No. of Open Opportunities, Open Opportunities Total Price – Company, No. of Won Opportunities, Won Opportunities Total Price – Company, No. of Lost Opportunities, Lost Opportunities Total Price – Company
Attribute: Sales Rep. Name
Chart type: Table
Activity Overview
Description: This report shows the summary of activities for each sales representative.
Measure: Planned Visits, Performed Visits, No. of Open Activities, No. of Closed Activities
Attribute: Sales Rep. Name
Chart type: Table