CEO Dashboard reports
The measures used in CEO Dashboard reports are sourced from Finance Key Ratio, Delivery Performance, and Sales Analysis facts. The Revenue vs Budget report uses M3A_FKRReport3 as input for the report ID. Default value is M3FKR3.
Revenue vs Budget
Description: This report shows the Fiscal Period trend with the measures Revenue and Budget. Measures in this report are analyzed by Fiscal Period and use the Sum aggregation. The number of periods displayed in the report is based on the selected value in the Last N Periods filter.
Measure: Revenue, Budget
Chart type: 2 data series line chart
Delivery Performance by Period
Description: This report shows the Fiscal Period trend with the measures Lines On Time In Full, No. of Lines, and Order Qty. Measures in this report are analyzed by Order Date and use the Sum aggregation. The number of periods displayed in the report is based on the selected value in the Last N Periods filter.
Measure: No. of Lines, Lines On Time in Full, Order Qty. The tooltip also shows Lines On Time In Full Pct.
Chart type: 3 data series combo, 2 line chart on Y axis 1 and 1 column chart on Y axis 2
Sales by Division
Description: This report shows the Fiscal Period values by Facility. The measure used in this report is analyzed by Invoice Date and uses Sum aggregation. The number of periods displayed is based on the selected value in the Last N Periods filter.
Measure: Invcd Net Amt – Division
Chart type: Table
Order Qty Breakdown by Period
Description: This report shows the Fiscal Period trend with the measures Actual Del Qty and Non-Del Qty. Measures in this report are analyzed by Order Date and use the Sum aggregation. The number of periods displayed in the report is based on the selected value in the Last N Periods filter.
Measure: Actual Del Qty, Non-Del Qty
Chart type: 2 data series stacked column chart