Homepage reports
Top 10 Non-Del Qty by Customer YTD
Description: This report shows the top 10 Non-Del Qty by Customer YTD. This report can help you determine what orders were not fulfilled and the undelivered quantity. The measure used in this report is sourced from the Delivery Performance fact.
Measure: YTD Non-Del Qty – Company
Aggregation: Sum
Analyze by: Order Date
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Delivery Performance Rolling 5 Weeks
Description: This report shows the delivery performance for the last 5 weeks. The measures used in this report are sourced from the Delivery Performance fact.
Measure: Delivered Qty, Non-Del Qty
Aggregation: Sum
Analyze by: Order Date
Chart type: 2 data series stacked column chart
Delivery Performance Rolling 10 Days
Description: This report shows the delivery performance for the last 10 days. The measures used in this report are sourced from the Delivery Performance fact.
Measure: Delivered Qty, Non-Del Qty
Aggregation: Sum
Analyze by: Order Date
Chart type: 2 data series stacked column chart
Delivery Performance Rolling 30 Days
Description: This report shows the delivery performance with delivery status Late and On Time in Full for the last 30 days. The measures used in this report are sourced from the Delivery Performance fact.
Measure: Lines On Time In Full, Late Lines Pct
Aggregation: Sum
Analyze by: Order Date
Chart type: 2 data series stacked column chart
Delivery Performance Rolling 12 Months
Description: This report shows the delivery performance with delivery status Late and On Time In Full for the last 12 months. The measures used in this report are sourced from the Delivery Performance fact.
Measure: Lines On Time In Full, Late Lines Pct
Aggregation: Sum
Analyze by: Order Date
Chart type: 2 data series stacked column chart
Order Value Not Invoiced
Description: This report shows the top 10 order values which are not invoiced by customer for the last 12 months. The measure used in this report is sourced from the Sales Orders fact.
Measure: Order Value – Division
Aggregation: Sum
Analyze by: Order Date
Chart type: 1 data series column chart
Sales Growth by Year
Description: This report shows the trend for the sales margin percent in relation with trends for sales, gross profit. The measure used in this report is sourced from the fact.
Measure: Gross Profit 1- Company; Gross Margin 1 Pct- Company
Aggregation: Sum
Analyze by: Invoice Date
Chart type: Area chart
Sales Orders per Customer
Description: This report shows the number of sales orders by customer number for the last 30 days. The measure used in this report is sourced from the Sales Orders fact.
Measure: No. of Orders
Aggregation: Sum
Analyze by: Order Date
Chart type: 1 data series stacked column chart