Warranty Department Performance reports
The measures used in Warranty Department Performance reports are sourced from the Warranty Processing and Warranty Claims facts. These measures are analyzed by Claim Date and use the Sum aggregation. Reports are filtered by Claim Status = 90 - Closed.
Top Turnaround Days by Customer
Description: This report shows the top N customers that has the highest turnaround days in processing warranty claims. Using this report, you can determine where the process takes longer and focus on improving the processes to shorten the turnaround days.
Measure: Internal Processing Days, External Processing Days. The tooltip also shows Turnaround Days.
Chart type: 2 data series stacked bar chart
Top Turnaround Days by Claim Payer
Description: This report shows the top N claim payers that has the highest turnaround days in processing warranty claims. Using this report, you can determine where the process takes longer and focus on improving the processes to shorten the turnaround days.
Measure: Internal Processing Days, External Processing Days. The tooltip also shows Turnaround Days.
Chart type: 2 data series stacked bar chart
Top Turnaround Days by Equipment
Description: This report shows the top N equipment that has the highest turnaround days in processing warranty claims. Using this report, you can determine where the process takes longer and focus on improving the processes to shorten the turnaround days.
Measure: Internal Processing Days, External Processing Days. The tooltip also shows Turnaround Days.
Chart type: 2 data series stacked bar chart
Column selector: Equipment, Equipment Type, Equipment Group, Equipment Class
Claim Amt by Spec Type
Description: This report shows the number of claim amounts by claim specification type.
Measure: Claim Amt
Chart type: 1 data series donut chart
Claim vs Settlement Var by Claim Spec Type
Description: This report shows the claim versus settlement variance broken down by claim specification type. Using this report, you can determine which claim specification type has the most variance in the claim amount versus the final settlement amount.
Measure: Claim vs Settlement Var Amt – Company
Chart type: 2 data series combo, 1 column chart on Y axis 1 and 1 points chart on Y axis 2
Claim vs Settlement Var by Period
Description: This report shows the trend of claim versus settlement variance amount and how many of the filed claims were completed by period.
Measure: Claim vs Settlement Var Amt – Company, No. of Claims
Chart type: 2 data series combo, 1 column chart on Y axis 1 and 1 data point chart on Y axis 2