Sales Budget Ad Hoc dashboard

The Sales Budget Ad Hoc dashboard facilitates ad hoc analysis of the sales actual values compared to the budget cost and revenue values from the different budget version created. This ad hoc dashboard contains metrics and attributes available as ad hoc filters, providing a high degree of flexibility on what to analyze.


The dashboard contains these reports:
  • Dynamic Metric History
  • Budget vs Actuals Diff in Pct Ranking - Top
  • Budget vs Actuals Diff in Pct Ranking - Bottom
  • Sales Budget Summary by Period


These standard filters are available:
  • Time (Config. 3)
  • Facility
  • Ranking (Config. 2)

Time and Ranking are required filters.

The Ranking filter is applied in the dashboard to enable switch between Top and Bottom Budget vs Actuals Diff in Pct Ranking reports. This filter is defaulted to Top.

These required filters are embedded in the dashboard for quick access:
  • Budget Version
  • Metric Ad Hoc – Budget

    Revenue - Company, Revenue - Division, Cost - Company, Cost - Division

  • Metric Ad Hoc – Actuals

    Invcd Net Amt - Company, Invcd Net Amt - Division, Invcd Gross Amt – Company, Invcd Gross Amt – Division, Total Net Cost – Company

  • Row Ad Hoc – Budget

    Customer, Customer Group, Item, Item Group, Business Area, Sales Department, Line Type, Contact Method