- Set Variable
This type is used to assign a value to a variable in a space.
- Extract
This type is used to extract data from tables through a connection to the Data Lake.
- Process
This type is used to process data sources in a space.
Aside from the main workflow that processes data in spaces, several workflows are provided that allow customers with no Birst Admin access to set variable values.M3 Analytics comes with these workflows which are accessed in :
- M3A Initial Setup
This workflow is used to set extraction-related variables, Company, and M3 Custom Time Company variable filters, and initialize the Extensibility Dimension in the Model Extensions space.
- M3A Model Configuration
This workflow is used to configure model-specific variables used in ETL scripts such as Period Type, Costing Type identifiers, White Space, Sales Budget leaf dimension, CLM, and Budget Version data set.
- M3A Report Configuration
This workflow is used to set report and dashboard variables to customize reporting behavior.
- M3A Main
This workflow is used to extract and process data in spaces and handle incremental loading.
- M3A Main - Customer Lifecycle
This workflow is used to extract and process data in spaces, including the Customer Lifecycle space, and handle incremental loading. See Customer Lifecycle.
- M3A Rental Metrics Main
This workflow is used to extract and process data specific to Rental Metrics only. See Rental Utilization and Rental Metrics.
- M3A Sales Budget Main
This workflow is used to extract and process data specific to Sales Budget only. See Sales Budget.
- M3A White Space Main
This workflow is used to extract and process data specific to White Space only. See White Space.
You cannot change the Infor-provided workflows. To make changes, you must clone the workflow and make changes in your own copy. Running your modified workflow will set the variables to the values you specified. To set the variables back to the Infor default values, you can run the Infor-provided workflow.