In-Context Business Intelligence

This section describes the steps for setting up the M3 Analytics In-Context Business Intelligence (ICBI) widget for M3 in Infor Ming.le.

The ICBI widget is available in the Context Viewer pane of Infor Ming.le. This widget shows Birst Visualizer reports filtered by the Business Context Messages provided by M3 BE.

These Business Context Messages change depending on the row highlighted in the given M3 BE screen. As part of the M3 Analytics Birst content, you get an ICBI custom subject area that is used to map dimension attributes against Business Context Messages.

M3 Analytics also comes with pre-built Visualizer reports that use the tagging functionality provided in Birst that are displayed in M3 BE screens.

To develop Birst reports to show in the ICBI widget, see KB2115054. See more information about ICBI in the Birst Online Help.