Workflow M3A initial setup

Note: The variables marked with an asterisk (*) in the tables are populated before the initial load is run. These variables may be modified in Admin or in the M3A Initial Setup workflow in orchestration.
Variable Description Used in space
M3A_CompanyFilter* This enables the extraction to load only specific companies from the Data Lake. Specify a single company number. Source
M3A_ExtractFromOverlapMin The number of minutes to be subtracted from the start time, moving the extraction start date earlier. The default value is 30. Source

The date and time of the start of initial extraction. On initial load, this is the start date used to retrieve data from the Data Lake. This is set to the date and time when an initial load of the tables is triggered in M3.

The solution uses the date and time in this format: M/D/YYYY hh:mm:ss.

M3A_ExtractToOverlapMin The number of minutes added to the end time, pushing the extraction end date into the future. The default value is 60. Source
M3A_ExtractWindowMin The length of the extraction window in minutes. If zero, then the difference between the extract start date or time and the current start date or time is used. The default value is 0. Source
M3A_UTCOffsetHours The number of hours between the Birst server time and UTC. Used to convert times to UTC so they match the Data Lake. The default value is 0. Source
M3A_CustomTimeCompany* The M3 company number where the fiscal period information is based. Ensure that this variable is set to a valid company number in M3 before the initial load. The default value is 0. Dimension

This variable contains the drill back logical ID.


This variable contains the drill forward logical ID.

The lid is required to be set up in this variable depending on the industry:

  • FSH = lid://infor.m3afsh-birst.m3afshbirst
  • MAN = lid://infor.m3aman-birst.m3amanbirst
  • FAB = lid:// infor.m3afab-birst.m3afabbirst
  • DIS = lid://infor.m3adis-birst.m3adisbirst
  • EQP = lid://infor.m3aeqp-birst.m3aeqpbirst
  • CHE = lid://infor.m3ache-birst.m3achebirst