CFO Dashboard

The CFO dashboard provides an executive overview of a company's business performance. It delivers high-level ratios and metrics derived from the M3 financial data and displays a combination of revenue, liquidity, and debt metrics for a robust overview of your business' financial performance over fiscal periods.

This dashboard can answer these business questions:
  • Are we effectively turning capital into profit?
  • Is the company's cash flow sufficient to meet its long-term liabilities?
  • How profitable is the business?
  • How is the company performing in terms of turnaround time for accounts receivables and accounts payables?

Reports and KPIs in this dashboard show the values using End This Period analysis.

Filters selected in this dashboard are passed to the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Key Ratio - Strategic, and Key Ratio - Operational dashboards so you can perform continuous data analysis.

A redesigned version of the CFO Dashboard following Infor Design standards is available in the C-Suite collection. See C-Suite: CFO Dashboard.

Reports and KPIs

The dashboard contains these reports:
  • Working Capital & Liquidity Ratios by Period
  • Solvency Ratio by Period
  • Gross Profit Margin Pct by Period
  • AR & AP Turnover by Period
This dashboard also contains these KPIs:
  • Operating Income
  • Operating Cash Cycle (Days)
  • Net Working Capital
  • Debt Ratio
  • Free Cash Flow

When you select a period in the Fiscal Period filter, the period is shown on the dashboard. The KPIs show the corresponding metrics for that period. Each KPI displays an indicator comparing the Fiscal Period value from the selected Period Comparison filter value (Last Fiscal Period or Fiscal Period Last Year).

For Operating Income, Net Working Capital, and Free Cash Flow KPIs, a green arrow pointing upward indicates an increase in value and a red arrow pointing downward indicates a decrease in value. If there is no change, a yellow square indicator is displayed.

For Operating Cash Cycle (Days) and Debt Ratio KPIs, a green arrow pointing downward indicates a decrease in value and a red arrow pointing upward indicates an increase in value. If there is no change, a yellow square indicator is displayed.

The KPIs use the Accounting Period Date as the date basis for analysis and the Sum aggregation.

Currency information is also displayed on the dashboard.


These standard filters are available:
  • Division (Config. 3)
  • Fiscal Period (Config. 2)
  • Last N Periods (Config. 2)
  • Period Comparison

Division, Fiscal Period, Last N Periods, and Period Comparison are required filters.

Drill across

Drilling from a report to another dashboard is enabled in this dashboard:
  • From Working Capital & Liquidity Ratios by Period report, you can drill across to the Key Ratio - Strategic dashboard.
  • From Solvency Ratio by Period report, you can drill across to the Balance Sheet dashboard.
  • From Gross Profit Margin Pct by Period report, you can drill across to the Income Statement dashboard.
  • From AR & AP Turnover by Period report, you can drill across to the Key Ratio - Operational dashboard.