Competitor Erosion Analysis dashboard

Having a high percentage of sales subjected to competitor erosion can harm your bottom line, and moving away from the products most affected by erosion can improve your company’s situation. The Competitor Erosion Analysis dashboard supports detailed analysis of sales erosion. You can use this dashboard to gain actionable insight into products and customers most subjected to erosion.

The dashboard can answer these business questions:

  • What are the top products with erosion?
  • Who are the top customers with erosion?
  • What is the sales value and percentage of sales by high erosion for top products?
  • What is the sales value and percentage of sales by some erosion for top customers?

Reports and KPIs

The dashboard contains these reports:

  • High Erosion Pct by Product
  • High Erosion Pct by Customer
  • Top Products With High Erosion
  • Top Customers With High Erosion
  • Erosion Details by Product
  • Some Erosion Pct by Product
  • Some Erosion Pct by Customer
  • Top Products With Some Erosion
  • Top Customers With Some Erosion
  • Erosion Details by Customer

The Competitor Erosion Analysis dashboard is divided in two columns: High Erosion Invcd Net Amt and Some Erosion Invcd Net Amt.

In the first row of the High Erosion Invcd Net Amt column, reports High Erosion Pct by Product and High Erosion Pct by Customer are displayed. In the next row, reports Top Products With High Erosion and Top Customers With High Erosion are displayed as Top Products and Top Customers respectively.

In the first row of the Some Erosion Invcd Net Amt column, reports Some Erosion Pct by Product and Some Erosion Pct by Customer are displayed. In the next row, reports Top Products With Some Erosion and Top Customers With Some Erosion are displayed as Top Products and Top Customers respectively.

The dashboard also contains these KPIs:
  • High Erosion Invcd Net Amt
  • Some Erosion Invcd Net Amt
  • High Erosion Pct by Product
  • High Erosion Pct by Customer
  • Some Erosion Pct by Product
  • Some Erosion Pct by Customer

These KPIs use the Invoice Date as the date basis for analysis and the Sum aggregation.

Currency information is also displayed on the dashboard.


These standard filters are available:
  • Facility
  • Warehouse (Config. 1)
  • Time (Config. 2)
  • Sales Organization
  • Customer (Config. 1)
  • Customer Geography
  • Sales Order Type
  • Promotion
  • Item (Config. 1)
  • Show N Records

Time filter is a required filter that is defaulted to current year. This filter shows up to current year + 1. Show N Records is a required filter that is applied to the Top Products and Top Customers reports.

Drill across

From this dashboard, you can drill across the Competitor Erosion - Alternative Products dashboard.