Order Costing - All Levels dashboard

The Order Costing dashboard is designed to provide analysis against manufacturing order processing. On this dashboard, you can analyze variances between cost according to defined standards and actual costs reported against a manufacturing order. An understanding where standard cost deviations occur enables you to take actions to reduce costs. For further analysis, use the costing component attribute to break down product costs into each contributing factor that influences the final cost of the manufactured product.

The dashboard can answer these business questions:
  • Which products have the highest deviation from standard cost?
  • Would it be more profitable to buy a product than manufacture, or to process the product further before selling it?

The dashboard support analysis at a specific order costing level, at All Level.

All Level provides view on highest level in the product structure, that is, each kind of cost is totaled for each level up to the level of the item cost.

Reports and KPIs

The dashboard contains these reports:
  • All Level Actl vs Std Cost Var Pct by Period
  • All Level Costing Component Var Amt by Period
  • All Level Top Var Amt (abs) by Product
  • All Level Top Var Pct (abs) by Product
  • All Level Product Details
  • All Level Actl Cost by Costing Component Overview
  • All Level Std Cost by Costing Component Overview

The term All Level is omitted in the report titles displayed in the dashboard.

The dashboard also contains these KPIs:
  • Actl vs Std Cost Var Pct
  • Actl vs Std Cost Var
  • Scrapped Cost

Currency information is also displayed on the dashboard.


These standard filters are available:
  • Facility
  • Warehouse (Config. 1)
  • Time (Config. 2)
  • Costing Component
  • Item (Config. 1)
  • Show N Records

Time is a required filter.

The Show N Records filter controls the number of elements that are shown in the Top Var Amt (abs) by Product and Top Var Pct (abs) by Product reports.

Drill across

By clicking >>Analyze by This Level, you can drill across to the Order Costing - This Level dashboard.