Filter information

This appendix contains the complete list of available filters used in the M3 Analytics dashboards and how each filter is set up.

You can refer to the specific dashboard topic for the list of relevant filters.

Global and built-in filters

In Published mode, you can view available standard and embedded filters in the filter card or the Filters menu. See Using filters for more information.

In Edit mode, you can further check if filters listed in the Filters menu are global or built-in filters.
  • A global filter is available for use on all dashboards in a space. When you update a global filter, the changes apply to all instances of the filter on any dashboard in the space. Global filter can pass the value to a built-in filter of the same name but a built-in filter cannot pass values to the global filter.
  • A built-in filter is only available for the specific dashboard or report it was created on. In Edit view, all built-in filters have an asterisk in the filter icon.

This graphic shows a dashboard in Edit view. Edit view is only for M3 Analytics developers and users that belong to a Space Group with disabled Disable Filter Edit Access in Permissions.


Filter selection and prompt types

Standard and embedded filters are classified according to the number of filter values you can select to analyze the data:
  • Multiselect - You can select multiple values for this filter
  • Single selection - You can only select a single value for this filter
These filters are also categorized according to prompt types:
  • Query base - This filter type contains values that are provided by the system. You can specify a default value or values, or a custom expression
  • List - This filter type contains a defined list or a range of values you can select. You can select multiple values if the filter is set up as a check box and only one value if it is a radio button
  • Slider - You can move the slide to narrow down the filter results. This type is usually applied in columns that contain date, date and time, or integers
  • Text input - You can specify a value in this filter type to narrow the filter results