Invoices and Reconciliation Details reports

The measures used in Invoices and Reconciliation Details reports are sourced from the AR Invoices fact. These measures are analyzed by Accounting Date and use the Sum aggregation. These reports also use the Show N Records to filter the Top N categories.

Top Average Reconciliation Days by Category

Description: This report analyzes the payers who have the highest average reconciliation days. You can change the category to the M3 user that processed the customer invoice using the column selector.

Measure: Invc Avg Days – Invc and Due, Invc Avg Days – Invc and Recon

Chart type: 2 data series grouped column chart

Column selector: Payer, User – AR

Top Invoice Record Changes by Category

Description: This report analyzes the payers who have the highest invoice record changes. You can change the category to the M3 user that processed the customer invoice using the column selector.

Measure: No. of Record Changes, Invc Avg Days – Invc and Due

Chart type: 2 data series combo, 1 column chart on Y axis 1 and 1 points chart on Y axis 2

Column selector: Payer, User – AR

Top Payment Reversals by Category

Description: This report analyzes the payers that have the highest number of payment reversals. You can change the category to the M3 user that processed the customer invoice using the column selector.

Measure: No. of Pmt Reversals, No. of Pmts

Chart type: 2 data series combo, 1 column chart on Y axis 1 and 1 points chart on Y axis 2

Column selector: Payer, User – AR

Accounts Receivable Details

Description: This report shows the underlying factors for the average days it takes for a payer to reconcile payment for their issued invoices.

Measure: Invc Avg Days – Invc and Due, Invc Avg Days – Invc and Pmt, Invc Avg Days – Invc and Recon, No. of Record Changes, No. of Pmt Reversals, No. of Pmts

Chart type: Table