ABC Class Analysis dashboard

The ABC Class Analysis dashboard provides you with an in-depth analysis of the stock level for each ABC Class. Using this dashboard, you can determine the differences and similarities of the ABC Classes. This dashboard also shows the trend of the stock level for each ABC Class.

This dashboard can answer these business questions:
  • What is the stock level of ABC Class values by the end of each manufacturing period?
  • What is the trend of the stock level from an ABC Class perspective?
  • How does the ABC Class stock level trend look in comparison with other ABC stock levels?

Reports and KPIs

The dashboard contains these reports:
  • Plot 1 Stock Level Trend
  • Plot 2 Stock Level Trend

Reports Plot 1 Stock Level Trend and Plot 2 Stock Level Trend are displayed in the dashboard as Plot 1 Trend and Plot 2 Trend respectively.

The dashboard also contains these KPIs:
  • Incoming Stock
  • Outgoing Stock
  • Stock Change

The KPIs use the Statistics Period Date as the date basis for analysis and the Sum aggregation.


These standard filters are available:
  • Facility
  • Warehouse (Config. 1)
  • Item (Config. 1)
  • Manufacturing Period (Config. 2)
  • Measure Type (Config. 2)

Measure Type is a required filter.

These filters are embedded:
  • Plot 1 – Frequency
  • Plot 1 – Contribution
  • Plot 1 – Manual
  • Plot 1 – Volume
  • Plot 2 – Manual
  • Plot 2 – Volume
  • Plot 2 – Frequency
  • Plot 2 – Contribution

Plot 1 filters are only applicable to the Plot 1 Stock Level Trend report.

Plot 2 filters are only applicable to the Plot 2 Stock Level Trend report.