Sales Analysis Ad Hoc dashboard

The Sales Analysis Ad Hoc dashboard facilitates ad hoc analysis of the Sales Margin (Invcd Net Amt, Invcd Gross Amt, Discounts and Gross Profits) per product, customer, payer or trend over time. This ad hoc dashboard with ad hoc reports and ad hoc filters provide a high degree of flexibility on what to analyze.


This dashboard contains the Sales Margin Table report and these generic guided ad hoc reports:

  • Metric History
  • Metric Ranking - Top
  • Metric Ranking - Bottom
  • Cross Table

The Metric History, Metric Ranking - Top, Metric Ranking - Bottom, and Cross Table reports are generic guided ad hoc reports that you can use in ad hoc dashboards in different domains. See Generic Guided Ad Hoc.

You can analyze the measures in the Sales Analysis Ad Hoc report with different dates using the Date parameter. These reports also use the Sum aggregation.


These standard filters are available:
  • Facility
  • Warehouse (Config. 1)
  • Sales Organization
  • Customer (Config. 1)
  • Customer Geography
  • Payer
  • Sales Order Type
  • Promotion
  • Item (Config. 1)
  • Currency
  • Currency Type
  • Ranking (Config. 3)
  • Show N Values

The Ad Hoc filters are required and embedded in the dashboard for quick access.

These filters are embedded:

  • Year
  • Metric Ad Hoc – SA

    Invcd Gross Amt – Company, Invcd Gross Amt – Division, Invcd Gross Amt – Transaction, Invcd Net Amt – Company, Invcd Net Amt – Division, Invcd Net Amt – Transaction, Total Disc Amt – Company, Total Disc Amt – Division, Total Disc Amt – Transaction, Gross Profit 1 – Company, Gross Profit 1 – Division, Gross Profit 1 – Transaction, Gross Profit 2 – Company, Gross Profit 2 – Division, Gross Profit 2 – Transaction, COGS Standard – Company, COGS Standard – Division, COGS Standard – Transaction, Bonus and Comm Amt – Company, Bonus and Comm Amt – Division, Bonus and Comm Amt – Transaction, Promotional Disc Amt – Company, Promotional Disc Amt – Division, Promotional Disc Amt – Transaction, Total Net Cost – Company, Total Net Cost – Division, Total Net Cost – Transaction, Invcd Qty, No. of Lines Promoted

  • Column Ad Hoc – SA

    Country, Month, Sales Origin

  • Row Ad Hoc – SA

    Customer, Customer Group, Salesperson, Item, Item Group, Business Area, Promotion Type, Payer, Credit Department

The Ranking filter is applied to this dashboard to enable switch of Metric Ranking reports to Top and Bottom. The filter Show N Values is applied in Metric Ranking - Top and Metric - Bottom reports.

The Currency Type filter is applied to the Sales Margin table.