General Ledger - Local dashboard

The General Ledger - Local dashboard provides insights into the accounting process for a division. Monitoring the usage of FAM entries, accounts, and type of transactions helps ensure a relevant and efficient process.

This dashboard can answer these business questions:

  • What are the most used FAM functions and Accounts?
  • Who has authorized the most transactions?
  • Is any personnel backdating invoices?
  • What is the bank and cash balance?

The metrics in this dashboard are based on the division currency. You can perform analyses on several divisions, providing they use the same division currency.

Reports and KPIs

The dashboard contains these reports:
  • Pct of Total by GL Authorizer
  • Recorded Amount by Account
  • Recorded Amount by FAM Entry
  • Average Days vs Number of Transactions by GL User
  • Number of Transactions by Code
  • Account Details
  • FAM Entry Details
The dashboard also contains these KPIs:
  • Bank and Cash Balance
  • Bank and Cash Transactions
  • Total No. of Transactions
  • Avg Days – Entry and Acctg

These KPIs use the Accounting Date as the date basis for analysis and the Sum aggregation. Amounts are expressed in the division currency. The currency is displayed together with the Bank and Cash Balance KPI.

Currency information is also displayed on the dashboard.


These standard filters are available:
  • Division (Config. 2)
  • Time (Config. 2)
  • Year/Month
  • Account (Config. 2)
  • Account Type
  • FAM Entry
  • Voucher Type
  • GL User
  • GL Authorizer
  • Transaction
  • Show N Records
  • View (Config. 2)

Year/Month is a required filter that is applied in the Bank and Cash Balance KPI. This filter shows up to current year/month + 6 months.

View is a required filter that is used to switch the displayed charts in the dashboard. When in summary view, these reports are displayed: Recorded Amount by Account, Recorded Amount by FM Entry, Pct of Total by Authorizer, Avg Days vs Number of Transactions by GL User, and Number of Transactions by Code. When in summary view, these tabular reports are displayed: Account Details and FAM Entry Details.

Show N Records is a required filter that is applied to these reports: Recorded Amount by Account, Recorded Amount by FAM Entry, and Pct of Total by Authorizer.