Rental Metrics by Units KPIs

Values shown in the KPIs were computed using the measures listed in the Rental Metrics by Units reports.

These KPIs use the Load Date as the data basis for analysis and the Sum aggregation.

Rental Rate Pct

This KPI shows the period over period percentage change in contract rental rates. It is calculated as the base fleet's change of rental revenue rate divided by the base revenue for Period 1.

Change in Revenue Pct

This KPI shows the period over period percent change of realized revenue. It is calculated as the difference between the revenue of Period 2 and Period 1 divided by the revenue of Period 1.

Yield Pct

This KPI shows the part of the revenue change that is associated with change in rates. It is calculated as the base fleet's total change of revenue for yield divided by the difference between revenue of Period 2 and Period 1.

Utilization Pct

This KPI shows the part of the revenue change that is associated with the change of utilization based on on-rent days. This is calculated as the base fleet's total change of revenue for utilization divided by the difference between revenue of Period 2 and Period 1.

Fleet Change Pct

This KPI shows the part of the revenue change that is associated with fleet changes. This is calculated as the difference between other fleet's revenue for Period 1 and Period 2 divided by the difference between base fleet's total revenue of Period 2 and Period 1.