Delivery Performance calculated measures and KPIs

This table shows the Delivery Performance measures that are calculated and defined as saved expressions. The saved expressions use the Order Date and Sum aggregation.

Measure Description
Actual Del Qty as Req Pct Actual delivered quantity divided by the order quantity
Non-Del Qty Pct Non-delivered quantity divided by the order quantity
Invcd Qty as Req Pct Invoiced quantity divided by the requested quantity
Invcd Qty as Del Pct Invoiced quantity divided by the actual delivered quantity
Lines Del as Req Qty Pct Number of order lines delivered as requested divided by the number of order lines
Lines Rcvd as Del Qty Pct Number of order lines received as shipped divided by the number of order lines
Lines Invcd as Req Qty Pct Number of order lines invoiced as requested divided by the number of order lines
Avg Days Diff – Req and Confirmed Number of days between requested and confirmed dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Hrs Diff – Req and Confirmed Number of hours between requested and confirmed dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Min Diff – Req and Confirmed Number of minutes between requested and confirmed dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Days Diff – Departure and Actl Number of days between departure and actual delivery dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Hrs Diff – Departure and Actl Number of hours between departure and actual delivery dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Min Diff – Departure and Actl Number of minutes between departure and actual delivery dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Days Diff – Req and Actl Number of days between requested and actual delivery dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Hrs Diff – Req and Actl Number of hours between requested and actual delivery dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Min Diff – Req and Actl Number of minutes between requested and actual delivery dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Days Diff – Req and Orig Confirmed Number of days between customer-requested and original confirmed dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Days Diff – Orig Req and Actl Number of days between original requested and actual delivery dates divided by the number of order lines
Avg Order Cycle Time in Days Order cycle time in days divided by the number of order lines
Avg Order Cycle Time in Hrs Order cycle time in hours divided by the number of order lines
Avg Order Cycle Time in Min Order cycle time in minutes divided by the number of order lines