Stock Profile Trend reports

The measures used in Stock Profile Trend reports are sourced from the Stock Statistics fact. These measures are analyzed by Statistics Period Date and use the Sum aggregation.

Stock Level by Period

Description: This report shows the stock level. You can use this report to monitor if there are spikes in the stock level and to determine if the stock should be replenished.

Measure: Stock Level

Chart type: 1 data series area chart

Stock Change by Period

Description: This report shows the stock change percentage. You can use this report to monitor if there are spikes in stock change and to compare the incoming and outgoing stocks.

Measure: Incoming Stock, Outgoing Stock, Stock Change Pct

Chart type: 3 data series combo, 2 grouped column chart on Y axis 1 and 1 line chart on Y axis 2

Stock Profile Trend Details

Description: This report shows the stock profile trend details in a tabular format. In this report, you can see the stock profile by period level.

Measure: Opening Balance, Closing Balance, Incoming Stock, Outgoing Stock, Stock Change, Stock Change Pct

Chart type: Table