Sales Representative Overview reports

The measures used in Sales Representative Overview reports are sourced from Activity and Opportunity facts. These measures are analyzed by Start Date and use the Sum aggregation.

Attributes used in the Activity Overview and Opportunity Overview reports are sourced from the Activity and Opportunity dimensions.

These measures are analyzed by Time and use the Sum aggregation.

Sales Funnel

Description: This report shows the total value of opportunities by opportunity process name.

Measure: Total Price

Chart type: 1 data series height funnel chart

Overdue Activities

Description: This report shows the number of open and overdue activities.

Measure: No. of Activities

Chart type: 1 data series donut chart

Overdue Opportunities

Description: This report shows the number of open and overdue opportunities.

Measure: No. of Opportunities

Chart type: 1 data series donut chart

Activity Details

Description: This report lists the information about the activity.

Attribute: Activity Name, Activity Type, Start Date, Priority, Overdue, Activity Status

Chart type: Table

Drill back to M3 CLM: Hyperlink Activity Name to M3 CLM Activity tab

Opportunity Details

Description: This report lists the information about the opportunity.

Measure: Total Price

Attribute: Opportunity Name, Opportunity Number, Opportunity Process, Opportunity Status, Probability, Is Overdue, End Date

Chart type: Table

Drill back to M3 CLM: Hyperlink Opportunity Name to M3 CLM Opportunity tab