Workflow M3A model configuration

Variable Description Used in space
M3A_CurrExchStartDate The earliest date when an exchange rate is available for each currency code defined in CCURRA. Source
M3A_CSYTABLanguageCode The language code to be filtered for CSYTAB entries that support multi-language. The default value is GB. Dimension
M3A_PeriodTypeFiscal This refers to the period type value that represents the Fiscal Period in CSYPER. The default value is 1. Dimension
M3A_PeriodTypeManufacturing This refers to the period type value that represents the Manufacturing Period in CSYPER. The default value is 1. Dimension
M3A_PeriodTypeEquipment This refers to the period type value that represents the Equipment Period in CSYPER. The default value is 1.
Note: This variable is only available in the Equipment industry package.
M3A_PeriodType1 This refers to the period type value that represents the Period Type 1 in CSYPER. The default value is 1. Dimension
M3A_PeriodType2 This refers to the period type value that represents the Period Type 2 in CSYPER. The default value is 2. Dimension
M3A_PeriodType3 This refers to the period type value that represents the Period Type 3 in CSYPER. The default value is 3. Dimension
M3A_PeriodType4 This refers to the period type value that represents the Period Type 4 in CSYPER. The default value is 4. Dimension
M3A_PeriodType5 This refers to the period type value that represents the Period Type 5 in CSYPER. The default value is 5. Dimension
M3A_PeriodType9 This refers to the period type value that represents the Period Type 9 in CSYPER. The default value is 9. Dimension
M3A_PeriodTypeHRM This refers to the period type value that represents the Period Type HRM in CSYPER. The default value is 1. Dimension
M3A_PeriodTypeSales This refers to the period type value that represents the Period Type Sales in CSYPER. The default value is 1. Dimension
M3A_FKRReport1 First report configured for Finance Key Ratio in 'Report. Open' (RGS600). The default is M3FKR1. Finance
M3A_FKRReport2 Second report configured for Finance Key Ratio in 'Report. Open' (RGS600). The default is M3FKR2. Finance
M3A_FKRReport3 Third report configured for Finance Key Ratio in 'Report. Open' (RGS600). The default is M3FKR3. Finance
M3A_StandardCost This represents the costing type for standard cost. The variable is used in the Order Costing and Stock Valuation models. The default value is 3. Finance
M3A_StandardStructureType The standard structure type for manufactured items as defined in 'Settings - Product Structures' (CRS787). Finance
M3A_CostAcctgCostCenter This should reflect the Cost Accounting Cost Center specified in 'Settings - Cost Accounting' (CAS900). Finance
M3A_POLineStatus This refers to the field representing the status of a purchase order. Valid values are Highest and Lowest. The default value is Lowest that means the Purchase Order model will use the Lowest Status (PUSL) field in MPLINE to reflect the PO status. Setting to Highest will use the Highest Status (PUST) field in MPLINE. Procurement
M3A_PurchasingCostCenter This should reflect the Purchasing Cost Center specified in 'Settings - Purchasing' (CRS780). Procurement
M3A_PromoFlagDiscAmt1 Promotion discount amounts are in the Discount Amount 1 field. Default value is 1. Set the value to 0 if the discount amount field does not contain promotion discount amounts. Sales
M3A_PromoFlagDiscAmt2 Promotion discount amounts are in the Discount Amount 2 field. Default value is 1. Set the value to 0 if the discount amount field does not contain promotion discount amounts. Sales
M3A_PromoFlagDiscAmt3 Promotion discount amounts are in the Discount Amount 3 field. Default value is 1. Set the value to 0 if the discount amount field does not contain promotion discount amounts. Sales
M3A_PromoFlagDiscAmt4 Promotion discount amounts are in the Discount Amount 4 field. Default value is 1. Set the value to 0 if the discount amount field does not contain promotion discount amounts. Sales
M3A_PromoFlagDiscAmt5 Promotion discount amounts are in the Discount Amount 5 field. Default value is 1. Set the value to 0 if the discount amount field does not contain promotion discount amounts. Sales
M3A_PromoFlagDiscAmt6 Promotion discount amounts are in the Discount Amount 6 field. Default value is 1. Set the value to 0 if the discount amount field does not contain promotion discount amounts. Sales
M3A_ActualCost This represents the costing type for actual cost. The variable is used in the Order Costing model. The default value is 1. Production
M3A_ScrapCost This represents the costing type for scrap cost. The variable is used in the Order Costing model. The default value is 4. Production
M3A_StandardCost This represents the costing type for standard cost. The variable is used in the Order Costing and Stock Valuation models. The default value is 3. Production
This variable represents the calculation for the Rental Metrics model:
  • 1 = Calculation starts at the current period
  • 0 = Calculation starts at the current period minus 1

The default value is 1.
