Customer Profitability Analysis dashboard
The Customer Profitability Analysis dashboard enables analysis of customer’s profitability for a certain year/month and year-to-date. An arrow indicator is available in the KPI for comparison against previous year of these metrics: Invcd Net Amt, Total Disc Amt, Gross Profit 1, and Gross Margin 1 Pct.
Report and KPIs
The dashboard contains the Customer Profitability Analysis report and these KPIs:
- YTD Gross Margin 1 Pct
- YTD Invcd Net Amt
- YTD Total Disc Amt
- YTD Gross Profit 1
- LYTD Gross Margin 1 Pct
- LYTD Invcd Net Amt
- LYTD Total Disc Amt
- LYTD Gross Profit 1
These KPIs use the Invoice Date as date basis for analysis and the Sum aggregation. Amounts are expressed in the company currency.
Currency information is also displayed on the dashboard.
These standard filters are available:
- Facility
- Warehouse (Config. 1)
- Year/Month
- Sales Organization
- Customer
- Customer Geography
- Sales Order Type
- Promotion
- Item (Config. 1)
- Color
- Brand
- Style
- Season
The Year/Month filter is a mandatory filter that is defaulted to current year/month. This filter shows up to current year/month +6.