Technician Performance reports

The measures used in Technician Performance reports are sourced from the WO Operation Transactions and Technician Capacity facts. These measures are analyzed by Op Actual Finish Date and mainly use the Sum aggregation. Technician Performance by Period, Technician Performance by Period - No Work Hrs per Day, Total Hrs Breakdown by Period, and Total Hrs Breakdown by Period - No Unreported Hrs are also analyzed by Calendar Date. Reports are filtered by Operation Status ID - WO = 90.

Technician Accuracy

Description: This report displays a three-dimensional chart for the relationship of the technician's number of reported orders against their First Time Fix Rate and their total billable hours. Use this report to analyze patterns and gain insights to improve technician performance. The area of the bubble chart corresponds to the Total Billable Hrs.

Measure: No. of Rptd Orders, First Time Fix Rate, Total Billable Hrs

Chart type: 3 data series bubble chart

Birst limitation: If all Technicians to be displayed has zero billable hours but has a No. of Reported Orders and First Time Fix Rate then Birst will not provide any display.

Technician Performance by Period

Description: This report displays area spline charts for the comparison of a quantitative progression of Total Rptd Hrs, Total Billable Hrs, and Work Hrs per Day. This report also analyzes the gap over time between the Technician Performance measures.

Measure: Total Rptd Hrs, Total Billable Hrs, Work Hrs per Day. The tooltip also shows Billable vs Total Rptd Hrs Pct.

Chart type: 3 data series area spline chart

Top Billable Hrs by Technician

Description: This report analyzes the technicians that have the highest number of total billable service hours.

Measure: Total Billable Hrs. The tooltip also shows Billable vs Total Rptd Hrs Pct.

Chart type: 1 data series bar chart

Bottom Billable Hrs by Technician

Description: This report analyzes technicians that have the lowest number of total billable service hours.

Measure: Total Billable Hrs. The tooltip also shows Billable vs Total Rptd Hrs Pct.

Chart type: 1 data series bar chart

Technician Performance by Period - No Work Hrs per Day

Description: This report displays area spline charts for the comparison of a quantitative progression of Total Rptd Hrs, Total Billable Hrs, and Work Hrs per Day. This report also analyzes the gap over time between the Technician Performance measures.

Measure: Total Rptd Hrs, Total Billable Hrs. The tooltip also shows Billable vs Total Rptd Hrs Pct.

Chart type: 2 data series area spline chart

Total Rptd Orders by Period

Description: This report displays the total number of orders and the total reported hours over a period of time. This report also analyzes the number of work orders requested over a period of time in relation to the number of service hours reported by the technicians.

Measure: No. of Rptd Orders, Total Rptd Hrs

Chart type: 2 data series combo, 1 column chart on Y axis 1 and 1 line chart on Y axis 2

Total Hrs Breakdown by Period

Description: This report displays the reported hours distribution over a period of time and analyzes the detailed percentage distribution of the reported services hours in terms of travel, labor, billable, non-billable, and unreported over a period of time.

Measure: Billable Travel Hrs, Billable Labor Hrs, Non-Billable Travel Hrs, Non-Billable Labor Hrs, Unreported Hrs

Chart type: 5 data series stacked 100% column chart

Total Hrs Breakdown by Period - No Unreported Hrs

Description: This report displays the reported hours distribution over a period of time. This report also analyzes the detailed percentage distribution of the reported services hours in terms of travel, labor, billable, non-billable, and unreported over a period of time.

Measure: Billable Travel Hrs, Billable Labor Hrs, Non-Billable Travel Hrs, Non-Billable Labor Hrs

Chart type: 4 data series stacked 100% column chart