Stock Transactions reports
The measures used in Stock Transactions reports are sourced from the Stock Transactions fact. These measures are analyzed by Transaction Date and use the Sum aggregation.
Trans (abs) by Reference Order Category
Description: This report shows the overview of the Transaction (abs) on a Reference Order Category perspective. In this report, you can see what encompasses the whole Transaction (abs) in a Reference Order Category view.
Measure: Trans (abs)
Chart type: 1 data series donut chart
Top Trans (abs) by Lot
Description: This report shows the lot with the highest absolute value of transaction.
Measure: Trans (abs)
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Bottom Trans (abs) by Lot
Description: This report shows the lot with the lowest absolute value of transaction.
Measure: Trans (abs)
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Transaction Qty (abs) Trend - Drillback
Description: This report shows the stock transactions quantity. You can use this report to monitor if there are spikes on a transaction date basis and to determine if there are stock transactions that require attention. From this report, you can drill back to M3 for further investigation.
Measure: Trans Qty (abs)
Chart type: 1 data series line chart
Drill back to M3: Hyperlink Date to MWS070/B
Trans Gross Weight (abs) Trend - Drillback
Description: This report shows the stock transactions gross weight. You can use this report to monitor if there are spikes on a transaction date basis and to determine if there are stock transactions that require attention. From this report, you can drill back to M3 for further investigation.
Measure: Trans Gross Weight (abs)
Chart type: 1 data series line chart
Drill back to M3: Hyperlink Date to MWS070/B