Stock Statistics Overview reports
The measures used in Stock Statistics Overview reports are sourced from the Stock Statistics fact. These measures are analyzed by Statistics Period Date and use the Sum aggregation.
Stock Turnover by Period
Description: This report analyzes the stock turnover trend. You can get an insight on how frequent the warehouse or specific product replenishes their stock depending on the stock turnover.
Measure: Stock Turnover
Chart type: 1 data series column chart
Sold vs Stock Turnover by Warehouse
Description: This report analyzes the selling performance of the stock in relation to stock turnover. You can get an insight into the warehouse performance in terms of selling and replenishing stock. The report can also be used in determining the warehouse that has low selling performance but high stock turnover and vice versa, which implies inefficient stock movement and might result into additional logistics cost.
Measure: Stock Turnover, Sold
Chart type: 2 data series scatter chart
Mfd and Purchased vs Planned by Period
Description: This report compares the planned versus the actual manufactured and purchased. You can use this to assess if the stock is effectively used by looking at sold and see how much of it is being identified as scrapped.
Measure: Mfd and Purch, Planned, Sold, Scrapped
Chart type: 4 data series combo, 2 grouped column chart on Y axis 1 and 2 line chart on Y axis 2
Sold vs Stock Turnover by Product
Description: This report analyzes the selling performance of the stock in relation to stock turnover. You can get an insight into the performing products in terms of selling and replenishing. The report can also be used in determining the products that has low selling performance but high stock turnover and vice versa, which implies inefficient stock movement and might result into additional logistics cost.
Measure: Stock Turnover, Sold
Chart type: 2 data series scatter chart