Stock Statistics sourced measures and KPIs
This table shows the Stock Statistics measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse.
These measures can be analyzed by different time series. For the list of available time series measures, see Time.
Aggregations available are Avg, Max, Min, and Sum.
Measure | Description |
Requested Qty | Requested quantity from customer order lines |
Requested Qty – Header | Requested quantity based on the warehouse from the customer order header |
Sold Qty | Sold quantity in basic unit of measure |
Sold Qty – Header | Sold quantity based on the warehouse from the customer order header |
Sold Qty Ref | Quantity allocated by referenced supply order |
Pos Transfer Qty | Quantity distributed/transferred to the current warehouse from other warehouses |
Pos Transfer Qty Ref | Distributed quantity allocated to a referenced order |
Neg Transfer Qty | Quantity distributed/transferred to other warehouses in basic unit of measure |
Neg Transfer Qty Ref | Distributed quantity allocated by referenced supply order |
Neg Transfer Requested Qty | Quantity that should be distributed/transferred to other warehouses in basic unit of measure |
Manufactured Qty | Internally manufactured quantity in basic unit of measure |
Manufactured Qty Ref | Manufactured quantity allocated to a referenced order |
Purchased Qty | Purchased quantity in basic unit of measure |
Purchased Qty Ref | Purchased quantity allocated to a referenced order |
Ordering Purchased Qty | |
Mfd and Purch Qty | Manufactured quantity plus the purchased quantityTotal ordered purchase quantity regardless of where it was delivered from |
Used Qty | Used quantity in basic unit of measure |
Used Qty Ref | Used quantity allocated by referenced supply order |
Non-Rep Usage Qty | Quantity not affecting other usage statistics in basic unit of measure |
Non-Rep Usage Qty Ref | Total ordered purchase quantityQuantity not affecting other usage statistics allocated by referenced supply order |
Planned Qty | Planned quantity in basic unit of measure |
Opt Stat Field Qty | Optional quantity of a user-defined item statistics field |
Pos Phys Inv Qty | Total of all positive physical inventory differences in basic unit of measure |
Neg Phys Inv Qty | Total of all negative physical inventory differences in basic unit of measure |
Forecasted Qty | Forecasted quantity for each item/family item |
Budgeted Qty | Budgeted quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Scrapped Qty | Total scrapped quantity in manufacturing unit of measure |
Avg OHB Qty | Simulated average on-hand balance in MMS220 |
Pos Reclass Qty | Quantity that has been reclassified from one item to another |
Neg Reclass Qty | Quantity that has been reclassified to another item |
Pos Transfer Surplus Qty | Positive surplus quantity in the surplus return process |
Neg Transfer Surplus Qty | Negative surplus quantity in the surplus return process |
Surplus Return Qty | Quantity that has been returned to the supplier in the surplus return process |
Internally Requested Qty | Internally requested quantity from manufacturing orders or work orders |
Dep Rollup Qty | Rolled up quantity according to the supplying warehouse |
Terr Rollup Qty | Rolled up demand quantity according to predefined ware-house settings in MWS008 and MWS009 |
Cross-Docked Qty | Quantity that was cross-docked in a warehouse |
Mfd and Purch vs Plan Qty Var | Manufactured and purchased quantity minus the planned quantity |
Sold vs FC Qty Var | Sold quantity minus the forecasted quantity |
Opening Balance Qty | Opening balance quantity of stock |
Closing Balance Qty | Closing balance quantity of stock |
Incoming Stock Qty | Sum of all positive factors to stock in quantity |
Outgoing Stock Qty | Sum of all negative factors to stock in quantity |
Total Stock Qty | Sum of incoming stock quantity and outgoing stock quantity |
Stock Change Qty | Incoming stock quantity minus outgoing stock quantity |
Net Weight
Measure | Description |
Requested Net Weight | Requested quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Requested Net Weight – Header | Requested quantity from order header multiplied by the net weight |
Sold Net Weight | Sold quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Sold Net Weight – Header | Sold quantity from order header multiplied by the net weight |
Sold Net Weight Ref | Sold quantity referenced multiplied by the net weight |
Pos Transfer Net Weight | Positive transfer quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Pos Transfer Net Weight Ref | Positive transfer quantity referenced multiplied by the net weight |
Neg Transfer Net Weight | Negative transfer quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Neg Transfer Net Weight Ref | Negative transfer quantity referenced multiplied by the net weight |
Neg Transfer Requested Net Weight | Negative transfer requested quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Manufactured Net Weight | Manufactured quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Manufactured Net Weight Ref | Manufactured quantity referenced multiplied by the net weight |
Purchased Net Weight | Purchased quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Purchased Net Weight Ref | Purchased quantity referenced multiplied by the net weight |
Ordering Purchased Net Weight | Ordering purchased quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Mfd and Purch Net Weight | Manufactured net weight plus the purchased net weight |
Used Net Weight | Used quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Used Net Weight Ref | Used quantity referenced multiplied by the net weight |
Non-Rep Usage Net Weight | Non-representative quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Non-Rep Usage Net Weight Ref | Non-representative quantity referenced multiplied by the net weight |
Planned Net Weight | Planned quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Opt Stat Field Net Weight | Optional statistics field quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Pos Phys Inv Net Weight | Positive physical inventory variance quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Neg Phys Inv Net Weight | Negative physical inventory variance quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Forecasted Net Weight | Forecasted quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Budgeted Net Weight | Budgeted quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Scrapped Net Weight | Scrapped quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Avg OHB Net Weight | Average on-hand balance multiplied by the net weight |
Pos Reclass Net Weight | Positive reclassification quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Neg Reclass Net Weight | Negative reclassification quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Pos Transfer Surplus Net Weight | Positive transfer surplus quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Neg Transfer Surplus Net Weight | Negative transfer surplus quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Surplus Return Net Weight | Surplus return quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Internally Requested Net Weight | Internally requested quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Dep Rollup Net Weight | Dependent rollup quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Terr Rollup Net Weight | Territorial rollup quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Cross-Docked Net Weight | Cross-docked quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Mfd and Purch vs Plan Net Weight Var | Manufactured and purchased net weight minus the planned net weight |
Sold vs FC Net Weight Var | Sold net weight minus the forecasted net weight |
Opening Balance Net Weight | Opening balance quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Closing Balance Net Weight | Closing balance quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Incoming Stock Net Weight | Incoming stock quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Outgoing Stock Net Weight | Outgoing stock quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Total Stock Net Weight | Total stock quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Stock Change Net Weight | Stock change quantity multiplied by the net weight |
Gross Weight
Measure | Description |
Requested Gross Weight | Requested quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Requested Gross Weight – Header | Requested quantity from order header multiplied by the gross weight |
Sold Gross Weight | Sold quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Sold Gross Weight – Header | Sold quantity from order header multiplied by the gross weight |
Sold Gross Weight Ref | Sold quantity referenced multiplied by the gross weight |
Pos Transfer Gross Weight | Positive transfer quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Pos Transfer Gross Weight Ref | Positive transfer quantity referenced multiplied by the gross weight |
Neg Transfer Gross Weight | Negative transfer quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Neg Transfer Gross Weight Ref | Negative transfer quantity referenced multiplied by the gross weight |
Neg Transfer Requested Gross Weight | Negative transfer requested quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Manufactured Gross Weight | Manufactured quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Manufactured Gross Weight Ref | Manufactured quantity referenced multiplied by the gross weight |
Purchased Gross Weight | Purchased quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Purchased Gross Weight Ref | Purchased quantity referenced multiplied by the gross weight |
Ordering Purchased Gross Weight | Ordering purchased quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Mfd and Purch Gross Weight | Manufactured gross weight plus the purchased gross weight |
Used Gross Weight | Used quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Used Gross Weight Ref | Used quantity referenced multiplied by the gross weight |
Non-Rep Usage Gross Weight | Non-representative quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Non-Rep Usage Gross Weight Ref | Non-representative quantity referenced multiplied by the gross weight |
Planned Gross Weight | Planned quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Opt Stat Field Gross Weight | Optional statistics field quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Pos Phys Inv Gross Weight | Positive physical inventory variance quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Neg Phys Inv Gross Weight | Negative physical inventory variance quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Forecasted Gross Weight | Forecasted quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Budgeted Gross Weight | Budgeted quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Scrapped Gross Weight | Scrapped quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Avg OHB Gross Weight | Average on-hand balance multiplied by the gross weight |
Pos Reclass Gross Weight | Positive reclassification quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Neg Reclass Gross Weight | Negative reclassification quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Pos Transfer Surplus Gross Weight | Positive transfer surplus quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Neg Transfer Surplus Gross Weight | Negative transfer surplus quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Surplus Return Gross Weight | Surplus return quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Internally Requested Gross Weight | Internally requested quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Dep Rollup Gross Weight | Dependent rollup quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Terr Rollup Gross Weight | Territorial rollup quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Cross-Docked Gross Weight | Cross-docked quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Mfd and Purch vs Plan Gross Weight Var | Manufactured and purchased gross weight minus the planned gross weight |
Sold vs FC Gross Weight Var | Sold gross weight minus the forecasted gross weight |
Opening Balance Gross Weight | Opening balance quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Closing Balance Gross Weight | Closing balance quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Incoming Stock Gross Weight | Incoming stock quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Outgoing Stock Gross Weight | Outgoing stock quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Total Stock Gross Weight | Total stock quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Stock Change Gross Weight | Stock change quantity multiplied by the gross weight |
Measure | Description |
Requested Volume | Requested quantity multiplied by the volume |
Requested Volume – Header | Requested quantity from order header multiplied by the volume |
Sold Volume | Sold quantity multiplied by the volume |
Sold Volume – Header | Sold quantity from order header multiplied by the volume |
Sold Volume Ref | Sold quantity referenced multiplied by the volume |
Pos Transfer Volume | Positive transfer quantity multiplied by the volume |
Pos Transfer Volume Ref | Positive transfer quantity referenced multiplied by the volume |
Neg Transfer Volume | Negative transfer quantity multiplied by the volume |
Neg Transfer Volume Ref | Negative transfer quantity referenced multiplied by the volume |
Neg Transfer Requested Volume | Negative transfer requested quantity multiplied by the volume |
Manufactured Volume | Manufactured quantity multiplied by the volume |
Manufactured Volume Ref | Manufactured quantity referenced multiplied by the volume |
Purchased Volume | Purchased quantity multiplied by the volume |
Purchased Volume Ref | Purchased quantity referenced multiplied by the volume |
Ordering Purchased Volume | Ordering purchased quantity multiplied by the volume |
Mfd and Purch Volume | Manufactured volume plus the purchased volume |
Used Volume | Used quantity multiplied by the volume |
Used Volume Ref | Used quantity referenced multiplied by the volume |
Non-Rep Usage Volume | Non-representative quantity multiplied by the volume |
Non-Rep Usage Volume Ref | Non-representative quantity referenced multiplied by the volume |
Planned Volume | Planned quantity multiplied by the volume |
Opt Stat Field Volume | Optional statistics field quantity multiplied by the volume |
Pos Phys Inv Volume | Positive physical inventory variance quantity multiplied by the volume |
Neg Phys Inv Volume | Negative physical inventory variance quantity multiplied by the volume |
Forecasted Volume | Forecasted quantity multiplied by the volume |
Budgeted Volume | Budgeted quantity multiplied by the volume |
Scrapped Volume | Scrapped quantity multiplied by the volume |
Avg OHB Volume | Average on-hand balance multiplied by the volume |
Pos Reclass Volume | Positive reclassification quantity multiplied by the volume |
Neg Reclass Volume | Negative reclassification quantity multiplied by the volume |
Pos Transfer Surplus Volume | Positive transfer surplus quantity multiplied by the volume |
Neg Transfer Surplus Volume | Negative transfer surplus quantity multiplied by the volume |
Surplus Return Volume | Surplus return quantity multiplied by the volume |
Internally Requested Volume | Internally requested quantity multiplied by the volume |
Dep Rollup Volume | Dependent rollup quantity multiplied by the volume |
Terr Rollup Volume | Territorial rollup quantity multiplied by the volume |
Cross-Docked Volume | Cross-docked quantity multiplied by the volume |
Mfd and Purch vs Plan Volume Var | Manufactured and purchased volume minus the planned volume |
Sold vs FC Volume Var | Sold volume minus the forecasted volume |
Opening Balance Volume | Opening balance quantity multiplied by the volume |
Closing Balance Volume | Closing balance quantity multiplied by the volume |
Incoming Stock Volume | Incoming stock quantity multiplied by the volume |
Outgoing Stock Volume | Outgoing stock quantity multiplied by the volume |
Total Stock Volume | Total stock quantity multiplied by the volume |
Stock Change Volume | Stock change quantity multiplied by the volume |
Measure | Description |
Requested Value | Requested quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Requested Value – Header | Requested quantity from order header multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Sold Value | Sold quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Sold Value – Header | Sold quantity from order header multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Sold Value Ref | Sold quantity referenced multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Pos Transfer Value | Positive transfer quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Pos Transfer Value Ref | Positive transfer quantity referenced multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Neg Transfer Value | Negative transfer quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Neg Transfer Value Ref | Negative transfer quantity referenced multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Neg Transfer Requested Value | Negative transfer requested quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Manufactured Value | Manufactured quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Manufactured Value Ref | Manufactured quantity referenced multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Purchased Value | Purchased quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Purchased Value Ref | Purchased quantity referenced multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Ordering Purchased Value | Ordering purchased quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Mfd and Purch Value | Manufactured value plus the purchased value |
Used Value | Used quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Used Value Ref | Used quantity referenced multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Non-Rep Usage Value | Non-representative quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Non-Rep Usage Value Ref | Non-representative quantity referenced multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Planned Value | Planned quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Opt Stat Field Value | Optional statistics field quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Pos Phys Inv Value | Positive physical inventory variance quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Neg Phys Inv Value | Negative physical inventory variance quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Forecasted Value | Forecasted quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Budgeted Value | Budgeted quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Scrapped Value | Scrapped quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Avg OHB Value | Average on-hand balance multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Pos Reclass Value | Positive reclassification quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Neg Reclass Value | Negative reclassification quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Pos Transfer Surplus Value | Positive transfer surplus quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Neg Transfer Surplus Value | Negative transfer surplus quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Surplus Return Value | Surplus return quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Internally Requested Value | Internally requested quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Dep Rollup Value | Dependent rollup quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Terr Rollup Value | Territorial rollup quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Cross-Docked Value | Cross-docked quantity multiplied by the standard or average cost in the division currency relative to inventory accounting method |
Mfd and Purch vs Plan Value Var | Manufactured and purchased value minus the planned value |
Sold vs FC Value Var | Sold value minus the forecasted value |
Measure | Description |
No. of Receipts | Number of receipt reportings that have been performed |
No. of Receipts Ref | Number of receipt reportings allocated to a referenced order |
No. of Issues | Number of physical movement of items from a stocking location |
No. of Issues Ref | Number of physical movement of items from a stocking location allocated to a referenced order |
No. of Returns | Number of times that the item has been subject to stock returns |
No. of CO Requests – Line | Number of customer order requests for the item |
No. of CO Requests – Header | Number of customer order requests for the item based on the warehouse from the order header |
No. of Neg Transfer Requests | Number of distribution order requests for the item |
No. of Internal Requests | Number of manufacturing or work order requests for the item |
No. of Plnd Orders | Number of planned orders for the item |
No. of Phys Inv | Number of occasions when physical inventory was done |
No. of Rej Phys Inv | Number of physical inventory occasions where discrepancies beyond the tolerance limits had to be accepted |
No. of Shortages | Number of shortage situations for the item |
No. of Plnd Shortages | Number of shortage situations for the item with regards to planned requirements |
No. of Unscheduled Removals | Number of unscheduled removals registered for the item |
No. of Scheduled Removals | Number of scheduled removals registered for the item |
No. of Dep Rollup Requests | Rolled up number of requests according to the supplying warehouse |
No. of Terr Rollup Requests | Rolled up number of requests according to predefined warehouse settings in MWS008 and MWS009 |
No. of Cross-Docks | Number of cross-dockings that have been performed |
No. of Verified Failures | Number of verified failures of an item |