AR Legder sourced measures and KPIs
This table shows the AR Ledger measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse.
These measures can be analyzed by different time series. For the list of available time series measures, see Time.
Aggregations available are Avg, Max, Min, and Sum. For cases where this does not apply, the available aggregations are indicated in this table:
Measure | Description |
Invc Amt – Transaction | The invoice amount in the transaction currency |
Invc Amt – Division | The invoice amount in the division currency |
Invc Amt – Third Curr | The invoice amount in the third currency |
Pmt Amt – Transaction | The payment amount in the transaction currency |
Pmt Amt – Division | The payment amount in the division currency |
Pmt Amt – Third Curr | The payment amount in the third currency |
Pmt Reversal Amt – Transaction | The payment reversal amount in the transaction currency |
Pmt Reversal Amt – Division | The payment reversal amount in the division currency |
Pmt Reversal Amt – Third Curr | The payment reversal amount in the third currency |
No. of Invc Journal Entries | Number of account receivables invoices at ledger level |
No. of Pmt Journal Entries | Number of account receivables payments at ledger level |
No. of Journal Entries |
The total number of journal entries Aggregation: Avg, Sum |