MO Headers sourced measures and KPIs

This table shows the MO Headers measures that are sourced directly in Data Warehouse.

These measures can be analyzed by different time series. For the list of available time series measures, see Time.

Aggregations available are Avg, Max, Min, and Sum. For cases where this does not apply, the available aggregations are indicated in this table:

Measure Description
Manufactured Qty Manufactured quantity in basic unit of measure
Manufactured Qty Alt Unit Manufactured quantity in alternate unit of measure
Ordered Qty Order quantity in basic unit of measure
Ordered Qty Alt Unit Order quantity in alternate unit of measure
Received Qty Received quantity in basic unit of measure
Received Qty Alt Unit Received quantity in alternate unit of measure
Mfd vs Order Qty Var Manufactured quantity minus the order quantity in basic unit of measure
Mfd vs Order Qty Var Alt Unit Manufactured quantity minus the order quantity in alternate unit of measure
Mfd vs Rcvd Qty Var Manufactured quantity minus the received quantity in basic unit of measure
Mfd vs Rcvd Qty Var Alt Unit Manufactured quantity minus the received quantity in alternate unit of measure
No. of Orders Number of manufacturing orders

Aggregations: Avg, Sum

No. of Times Replanned Number of times the order has been replanned

Aggregations: Avg, Sum

Days Diff – Actual Start and Finish Number of days between the actual start and finish dates of the order
Days Diff – MO Actual vs Plnd Finish Number of days between the actual and planned finish dates of the order
Days Diff – MO Actual vs Plnd Start Number of days between the actual and planned start dates of the order
Days Diff – MO Plnd Start and Finish Number of days between the planned start and finish dates of the order