Competitor Erosion - Alternative Products reports
The measures used in Competitor Erosion - Alternative Products reports are sourced from the Sales Analysis fact. These measures are analyzed by Invoice Date and use the Sum aggregation.
Competitor Erosion Overview per Item
Description: This report shows a high-level overview of the Invcd Net Amt – Company, Invcd Qty, and Invcd Net Amt Pct – Company by competitor erosion category of a selected Item.
Measure: Invcd Net Amt Pct – Company. The tooltip also shows Invcd Net Amt Pct – Company and Invcd Qty.
Chart type: 1 data series semi-donut chart
Alternative Product Details
Description: This report shows the measures of products, with the High Erosion Pct measure sorted in ascending order. The report lists alternative products to the original product based on one of these attributes: Product Group, Item Group, or Item Hierarchy 4. The original product is selected from the Competitor Erosion Analysis dashboard.
Measure: High Erosion Pct, Some Erosion Pct, No Erosion Pct, Invcd Net Amt – Company, Invcd Qty, Gross Profit 1 – Company
Chart type: Table
Top Products with No Erosion
Description: This report shows the Top N products with No Erosion sorted by Invcd Net Amt – Company in descending order. The purpose of this report is to highlight or show products that have large Invcd Net Amt – Company with No Erosion that the business can potentially use as alternative for products that have High and Some Erosion.
Measure: Invcd Net Amt – Company
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart