Order Costing - All Levels reports
The measures used in Order Costing reports are sourced from the Order Costing Component fact. These measures are analyzed by Finish Date and use the Sum aggregation.
All Level Actl vs Std Cost Var Pct by Period
Description: This report shows the variance percent between actual and standard cost plotting at year/month in all levels order costing level. You can use this report to analyze whether the standard cost is met over a period of time.
Measure: All Level Actual Cost – Company, All Level Standard Cost – Company, All Level Actl vs Std Cost Var Pct – Company
Chart type: 3 data series combo, 2 grouped column chart on Y axis 1 and 1 spline chart on Y axis 2
All Level Top Var Amt (abs) by Product
Description: This report shows the top absolute value variance between the actual cost and the standard cost by product group in all levels order costing level. You can use this report to determine which product group, item group, or item spends more than the set standard cost or sets the standard cost too much that can result in a large variance.
Measure: All Level Actl vs Std Cost Var (abs) – Company. The tooltip also shows All Level Actl vs Std Cost Var – Company.
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Column selector: Item Group, Item
All Level Top Var Pct (abs) by Product
Description: This report shows the top absolute value variance percent between actual cost and standard cost by product group in all levels order costing level. You can use this report to determine which product group, item group, or item spends more than the set standard cost or sets the standard cost too much that can result in a large variance.
Measure: All Level Actl vs Std Cost Var Pct (abs) – Company. The tooltip also shows All Level Actl vs Std Cost Var Pct – Company.
Chart type: 1 data series bar chart
Column selector: Item Group, Item
All Level Costing Component Var Amt by Period
Description: This report shows the actual versus the standard cost variance plotting at year/month in all levels order costing level. You can use this report to analyze how the actual cost is performing against the standard cost over time and to determine which costing components include the variance in the actual and standard cost.
Measure: All Level Actl vs Std Cost Var – Company
Chart type: 1 data series stacked column chart
All Level Product Details
Description: This report shows the actual cost, standard cost, actual versus standard cost variance, and actual versus standard cost variance percent measures in all level order costing level.
Measure: All Level Actual Cost – Company, All Level Standard Cost – Company, All Level Actl vs Std Cost Var – Company, All Level Actl vs Std Cost Var Pct – Company
Chart type: Table
Column selector: Item Group, Item
All Level Actl Cost by Costing Component Overview
Description: This report shows the overall actual costs categorized by costing components in all levels order costing level. You can use this to analyze the actual cost amount by costing component and show what and how much each costing component comprises the order costing actual cost.
Measure: All Level Actual Cost – Company
Chart type: 1 data series donut chart
All Level Std Cost by Costing Component Overview
Description: This report shows the overall standard costs categorized by costing components in all levels order costing level. You can use this report to analyze the standard cost amount by costing component and to show what and how much each costing component comprises the order costing standard costs.
Measure: All Level Standard Cost – Company
Chart type: 1 data series donut chart